Today I have an interview of a Portuguese Project to fight the Traffiking of Human Beings, which affects particularly women all around the world.
The “face” of this project is Sandra Benfica, who coordinates the project.
“Tráfico de Mulheres - Romper Silêncios” - In English Trafficking of Women- Breaking the Silences.
Sandra states that with the global economic crises which countries are facing the Trafficking of Human Beings increased, in numbers “27 millions of persons which live under slavery”. The majority of slaves are “women and children”.
Sandra emphasizes that in the XXI Century people are still slaved, and this is not, unfortunately, a past reality.
The Trafficking of Woman is lucrative, as a woman can be sold out 50times a day, tells Sandra.
This business is lucrative and supports a network of crime.
The Democratic Movement of Woman (Portugal) seeks to prevent the society of the risks of this issue. “There is still a lot to do in order to give a bigger protection to the victims. The Trafficking of human beings is a far complex network, composed by Mafias.
Here is the link for the article in portuguese.
Olá, Peço desculpa desde já pela falta de posts .
Hoje trago uma entrevista no Jornal I sobre o Projecto “Tráfico de Mulheres - Romper Silêncios” . A “cara” deste projecto é Sandra Benfica, que o coordena.
Fica aqui o link para a entrevista completa em português.
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