Na TVI24 um documentário sobre Baltasár Garzón, juíz a quem foi levantado um inquérito e subsequente suspensão de funções, por ter ordenado que se investigassem os desaparecidos durante a Guerra Civil Espanhola, durante o regime de Franco.
For portugueses, tomorrow a documentary in TVI24 about Baltasár Garzón, the judge who accused when ordered the investigation of the missing, during the Spanish Civil War and the ditatorship of Franco.
TVI24 20:00
New York Times article in english
This blog have the pretension to be one of the kind, in the field of Forensic and Criminal Sciences in general, bringing together Professionals, sharing stories and experiences. Letting you know of what is happening in the world, conferences, seminars, workshops…
segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011
sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011
Urgent Help
Mihaela Brooks (Criminal Investigative & Intelligence Analyst)
need some help with a case:
"I am working on an European case and I need your help.
The victim was found in a supine position - 2.8 cm laceration, head - pool of blood under her head.
I can provide crime scene photo and the weight, height of the victim.
The position IS atypical for a free fall. How can I prove staging - that the body was moved (before the bleeding started)."
If you have any experience that could help her to the following email:
Mihaela Brooks (Criminal Investigative & Intelligence Analyst) precisa de ajuda com um caso:
"Eu estou a trabalhar num caso europeu e presico de ajuda. A vítima foi encontrada em decúbito dorsal - laceração de 2,8 cm, cabeça - "piscina de sangue" sob a cabeça. Eu posso fornecer uma fotografia da cena de crime, o peso, e o altura da vítima. A posição é atípica para uma queda. Como posso provar que a cena de crime foi alterada, que o corpo foi movido (antes da perda de sangue ter ocorrido)."
Se tem alguma experiência que possa ajudá.la..contacte a Mihaela para o seguinte email:
need some help with a case:
"I am working on an European case and I need your help.
The victim was found in a supine position - 2.8 cm laceration, head - pool of blood under her head.
I can provide crime scene photo and the weight, height of the victim.
The position IS atypical for a free fall. How can I prove staging - that the body was moved (before the bleeding started)."
If you have any experience that could help her to the following email:
Mihaela Brooks (Criminal Investigative & Intelligence Analyst) precisa de ajuda com um caso:
"Eu estou a trabalhar num caso europeu e presico de ajuda. A vítima foi encontrada em decúbito dorsal - laceração de 2,8 cm, cabeça - "piscina de sangue" sob a cabeça. Eu posso fornecer uma fotografia da cena de crime, o peso, e o altura da vítima. A posição é atípica para uma queda. Como posso provar que a cena de crime foi alterada, que o corpo foi movido (antes da perda de sangue ter ocorrido)."
Se tem alguma experiência que possa ajudá.la..contacte a Mihaela para o seguinte email:
sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011
The misusage of the word Forensic / O Uso incorrecto da palavra Forense
Today I saw (once again) in a mailing list concerning the subject of Archaeology the misusage of the word Forensic. This occurs very often specially when people are refering to pure archaeological contexts, forgeting that when we are speaking about Forensic contexts, this means that we are using science (in this particular case the Archaeology) in order to answer to law purposes. When archaeologists or anthropologists fing a egipcian mummy and are trying to determing the cause of dead, are not dealing with a forensic case, once there is not a law imposition to it.
Forensic: adjectiv1.pertaining to, connected with, or used in courts of law or public discussion and debate.*
Hoje vi (mais uma vez) numa mailing list dedicada às questões da Arqueologia o uso incorrecto da palavra Forense. Isto ocorre muitas vezes quando alguém se refere a contextos, unicamente, arqueológicos, esquecendo que quando falamos sobre um contexto forense, isto significa que estamos a colocar a ciência (neste caso em particular a Arqueologia) ao serviço do direito ou das questões do foro jurídico. Como tal, quando os arqueólogos ou antropólogos encontram uma múmia egipcía (por exemplo) e tentam determinar a causa de morte da mesma, não estão a lidar com um caso dito forense, uma vez que não existe nenhuma imposição legal ao mesmo.
Forense: adjetivo uniforme; referente ao foro judicial ou aos tribunais(Do latim forense-, «idem»)**
Forensic: adjectiv1.pertaining to, connected with, or used in courts of law or public discussion and debate.*
Hoje vi (mais uma vez) numa mailing list dedicada às questões da Arqueologia o uso incorrecto da palavra Forense. Isto ocorre muitas vezes quando alguém se refere a contextos, unicamente, arqueológicos, esquecendo que quando falamos sobre um contexto forense, isto significa que estamos a colocar a ciência (neste caso em particular a Arqueologia) ao serviço do direito ou das questões do foro jurídico. Como tal, quando os arqueólogos ou antropólogos encontram uma múmia egipcía (por exemplo) e tentam determinar a causa de morte da mesma, não estão a lidar com um caso dito forense, uma vez que não existe nenhuma imposição legal ao mesmo.
Forense: adjetivo uniforme; referente ao foro judicial ou aos tribunais(Do latim forense-, «idem»)**
segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2011
Evento - Portugal - Porto
17 Novembro - Portugal
3ª Jornada de Criminologia - A importância de respostas para a diversidade de questões e paradigmas criminais.
Mais informações: Aqui
3ª Jornada de Criminologia - A importância de respostas para a diversidade de questões e paradigmas criminais.
Mais informações: Aqui
sábado, 1 de outubro de 2011
1º Curso de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Forense
Encontram-se abertas as inscrições para o 1º Curso de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Forense, a leccionar na Delegação de Lisboa do Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal.
Mais Informações: Aqui
Mais Informações: Aqui
Project Child Save
Some weekends ago I was surprised when I saw a Discovery Channel Documentary about Child Traffiking. I´ve never imagined that somebody would voluunter to rescue abducted children to return them to their families.
The Doc relates the Mission of the project mentor - Ty Ritter, as well as the voluunters which risk their lifes in Missions to rescue abducted children.
Project Child Save do what the governments or their police forces fail to do.
"Project Child Save is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping prevent child abductions and kidnapping through education and public awareness campaigns. When these heinous acts are perpetrated against our children, Project Child Save, through it's international network, finds these abducted innocents who have been taken against their will and sold into slavery, and retrieves them, returning them to their loved ones.
Every year thousands of children are taken from their homes and sold into sexual slavery. Most of these children are teens or pre-teens, and few ever make it back to their families. The reason is simple - money. Slavery is a lucrative business, and the cost of rescuing abductees is beyond the means of most. Average families can't afford these costs, so they remain helpless as their loss overshadows the rest of their lives." *
You can read more here: Project Child Save
See the Video: Discovery Channel
* from Here
The Doc relates the Mission of the project mentor - Ty Ritter, as well as the voluunters which risk their lifes in Missions to rescue abducted children.
Project Child Save do what the governments or their police forces fail to do.
"Project Child Save is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping prevent child abductions and kidnapping through education and public awareness campaigns. When these heinous acts are perpetrated against our children, Project Child Save, through it's international network, finds these abducted innocents who have been taken against their will and sold into slavery, and retrieves them, returning them to their loved ones.
Every year thousands of children are taken from their homes and sold into sexual slavery. Most of these children are teens or pre-teens, and few ever make it back to their families. The reason is simple - money. Slavery is a lucrative business, and the cost of rescuing abductees is beyond the means of most. Average families can't afford these costs, so they remain helpless as their loss overshadows the rest of their lives." *
You can read more here: Project Child Save
See the Video: Discovery Channel
* from Here
Diamonds of Blood
This post is not directly related with foresic sciences, but is a reminder of the violation of the human rights.
Last month was published a book about the Diamonds of Blood from Angola.
The journalist Rafael Mendes reports that there are "Concentration Camps" where the population is slaved in order to search for diamonds.
Moreover, Rafael Mends states that the Portuguese government is aware of this situation.
You can read more:
In Portuguese: Here and Here
In English: Here ; Here; Here and Here
Last month was published a book about the Diamonds of Blood from Angola.
The journalist Rafael Mendes reports that there are "Concentration Camps" where the population is slaved in order to search for diamonds.
Moreover, Rafael Mends states that the Portuguese government is aware of this situation.
In Portuguese: Here and Here
In English: Here ; Here; Here and Here
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