sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Yesterday was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women .
Women from several parts of the world continue to suffer abuses that often end in their death.
When I was studying Legal Medicine I was far from knew the horrible crimes that are committed against women, and the complexity of this matter.
When speaking with a person that I met, some while ago, about this I was also far from knew that there are still persons who truly believe that women are guilty, when they suffer abuses.
In Portugal domestic violence is now consider a public crime.
Despite this there are persons who prefer to ignore when they know or when they see a women suffering abuses. Because they are afraid or simply consider that is none of their business.
That´s why it is important to celebrate a Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011


"Os portugueses têm razões para duvidar da Justiça"

"Portuguese have reasons to doubt of Justice."

Paula Teixeira da Cruz (Ministra da Justiça/Justice Minister), in Expresso.

sábado, 19 de novembro de 2011

Books #1

Seems interesting. From 1,5€ at Amazon.com
Parece interessante. Desde 1,5€ em Amazon.com

quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011

Rui Pedro

* In english as I promissed

This last post was in particular for Portuguese. It is about a boy who disappeared in Lousada, a village in the North of Portugal, 13 years ago. Every Portuguese, I am pretty sure recognize his face from time to time in the news, and the face of his mother, who express the pain of the loss of a missing son.
This week the only suspect from the beginning of this case is heard in court, but only 13 years after the disappearance of Rui Pedro, and when all the clues lead to him. The formal suspect gave him a ride and took him to a prostitute.
This article( Here)written in a Portuguese newspaper points out the way how these crimes are investigated by Portuguese police forces.
One of the most important aspects in criminal investigation, which changed in Portugal, is the fact the search for the missing children starts immediately, something that didn´t happen when Rui Pedro disappeared. The police only started to investigate 48h after the disappearance. About this aspect, I remember that United Kingdom police forces say that the likelihood of finding the children alive after the 24h period is low.
Patricia Cipriano (President of the Portuguese Association of Missing Children) speaks to Público and says that “there are still police forces that inform incorrectly the parents, telling them that only can accept the case of disappearance after the 48h”, something that seems to me a lack of responsibility and professionalism.
Last week the only suspect was heard in Court and is charged of Abducting Rui Pedro. The case is still in court this week.
Despite, the advances in the way that criminal investigation is done in Portugal, the question that is still in my mind is – Why only after 13 years of the disappearance of Rui Pedro the Police decide to charge the only suspect?

References from Here and Here

terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

Rui Pedro

* Note for those who read me in English - I´ll translate later this post!

Qual é o português que não reconhece o rosto da criança desaparecida em Lousada, no ano de 1998, nem a de a sua mãe, que personifica o sofrimento dos pais cujos filhos desaparecem.
Este artigo do Público atenta para a forma como este crimes são investigados pelos órgãos de polícia, nomeadamente a Polícia Judiciária.
Um dos aspectos mais importantes no processo de investigação é o facto de a investigação começar imediatamente, algo que não ocorria devido ao período de espera de 48h para se poder dar inicio à investigação. Sobre isto vem-me à memória uma das premissas da Polícia Inglesa, que atenta para o facto de passadas as 24horas existirem mais probabilidades de que a criança não se encontre viva.
Patricia Cipriano (Presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Crianças Desaparecidas) refere ao Público que "ainda há polícias que persistem no erro de informar os pais das crianças desaparecidas que apenas poderão aceitar a denúncia 48 horas depois do desaparecimento", algo que me parece de uma irresponsabilidade e falta de profissionalismo tremenda.
Foi na semana passada que o principal suspeito, desde o início do caso, foi ouvido em Tribunal, e que é finalmente acusado do crime de rapto qualificado.
Contudo, e apesar dos avanços na forma como se faz investigação criminal em Portugal impera a pergunta – Porque é que apenas 13 anos após o desaparecimento de Rui Pedro se decide acusar de rapto o principal suspeito, a pessoa com quem Rui Pedro, possivelmente manteve o último contacto?

Referência retiradas do seguinte: Artigo Público

East Timor - finding the missing

Last Saturday was the celebration of the Twenty Years~- November´91 from the Genocide of Santa Cruz´s cemetery (The Dili Massacre), where more than 200 persons were murdered.
Some are still missing other were identified and their remains were given to their families.

Max Stahl new movie-documentary  was presented in Dili, last saturday,reporting the work of medical doctors and forensic anthropologists.

Check out the "Anatomy of a Massacre"

Público´s article