sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2012

Petição Pelo reconhecimento da profissão de Criminólogo em Portugal

Apesar da Criminologia e de vários criminólogos chegarem ao cidadão comum através da televisão e restantes meios de comunicação, de existirem cursos superiores para formar este tipo de profissionais, não existe um reconhecimento legal da profissão de Criminólogo.
É fundamental o reconhecimento dos recém-licenciados em Criminologia. Como tal, divulgo a petição que visa tornar isto possível.

Despite the existence of criminology graduation courses and the public in general awareness of this profession, there is not a legal recognition of criminologists in Portugal.
It is important recognize these professionals in Portugal. Therefore, here is the petition´s link where you can support this cause.


domingo, 4 de novembro de 2012

The new methodologies and protocols of forensic identification by craniofacial superimposition (MEPROCS)

Today I present you a project about Cranial Superimposition. 
The importance of the a project lies in the creation of European framework, in order "to allow the application of the Cranial Superimposition technique in practical forensic identification scenarios commonly tackled by the European scientific police units".
I think that the establishment of a common methodology to European scientific police units is crucial, in several areas within forensic sciences.

This framework will include:

i) the implementation of an existing semi-automatic method to assist the forensic experts in the application of the CS technique, resulting in a simple, quick, and systematic approach;
ii) the definition of standard protocols at European level, leading to the objective application of the CS technique in different forensic identification scenarios;
iii) the specification of a forensic science methodology to provide an objective evaluation of the forensic identification results achieved by CS, avoiding particular assumptions that could bias the process.

Hence, the project clearly promotes the validation and exchange of CS protocols and methodologies among different organisations.

For more information you can consult this webpage:

If you want to collaborate please contact: 

11º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses (Portugal)

No próximo fim de semana realiza-se o Congresso de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, em Évora.

Aqui fica o link para mais informações: Aqui